Lab #1 : Breadcrumb navigation

Hello everyone.

The very first Klaro Lab si available. You can enable it from the User menu, in the Project References > Enable / disable Labs section:

For now, the lab simply replaces the top Board header with a new one that presents a breadcrumb that grows as you apply changes to your board:

You can easily use the breadcrumb to go back and forward to previous versions of your board. The settings / update / reset / save as menu is still available :

We think this breadcrumb might be very useful and easier to understand for newcomers. It should possibly also make navigation smoother, since it’s a natural companion of the navigation shortcuts that you find in contextual menus (btw, did you you already know them ?) :

What do you think so far ?
Do you like it ?
Should it become the default Board header in the future ?
Any idea to go further ?

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