New way to view data: Matrix view

We’re delighted to announce that you can now view your data in 2 dimensions, thanks to the Matrix view.

To find out more, here’s the video presentation:

Note that you can also easily select all the cards in a cell.


Quite an excellent feature that was definitely missing :pray:

It will be nicer when one can adjust the sizewidth of the first column (lineheader) or, even better, when Klaro will hide that column when it is parent-card related :grin:


I see your point. Will see what I can do.

I think the board already makes working on parent/child easier, but we can certainly improve the situation.

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@CoMicFont Improvement put in production (public cloud only). WDYT ?

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top notch !
It really improves the readability.

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Follow-up (this thread and our last discussion): when dimension is auto-filled from a card kind (aka relationship), I’d like to see the line headers and/or the column headers as cards :wink:

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